On 30 Jun, Jeanette Russo wrote:
> What is a good HTML editor that will install and run easily from Mandrake
> 5.3?
> Jeanette
The most out of the box solution is netscape composer (assuming
installed netscape from mandrake).
There are other good HTML editors out there...There is asWedit and u
can even use something like Applix,StartOffice,Wordperfect...they all
have some HTML editor application.  The alternative is to use plain
text editor...I personally use vi to edit all my html...vi allows u to
configure it to display syntax-highliting for many programming lang
including html (i am not out to advocate vi over emans or pico or
joe...this is just my personal pref...anyway i think emacs also can
syntac hihglite html)...
check out sites like http://freshmeat.net and http://linuxapps.com for
a more comprehensive list....

P.S.  there is a new html editor i am trying called  august which looks
pretty good so far...

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