Subject: [newbie] X screen resolution

> In Xwindows with Redhat you can change screen resolution with Ctrl+Alt
> + or - . It does not work with my Mandrake 6.0 & KDE . How can I change
> resolution ?
The reason it doesn't work with Mandrake is because the default for X is to
support only the resolution you picked during the installation.  You can
change this a couple different ways:
    run xconf (it's a pretty self-explanatory program, but you'll have to
set up everything again, video card, mouse, monitor frequencies, etc) or,
    edit /etc/X11/XF86Config by hand- which isn't very hard.
If you choose the second option, "pico" is a good editor to use.  Once
you've loaded /etc/X11/XF86Config, scroll down until you see  Section
"Screen."  Now look for the particular server you're using (probably svga).
In here, you need to edit the "Modes" line.  It should look something like:
    Modes "640x480" "800x600" "1024x768"
The first resolution will be the one that the X server starts with.  You
should be able to get to the other ones using <Ctrl><Alt><+> or <-> (make
sure you use the keys on the Numpad!).

> Also , does Linux support USB ?

AFAIK, only experimentally.

> Thanks for the help
> Jeff

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