El dom, 04 jul 1999, escribiste:
> I just finished repartitioning my HD to accomodate both win98 and Mandrake.
> However, I need help mounting my floppy drive (A:) and my parallel zipdrive.
> And if I wanted to access files on my Win98 partition, how would I do that?
> I'd appreciate any help!
> Yants

To see what's on the windows partition start a console and type:
mount -t vfat /dev/hdax /whatever
replace the x in hda according in what hda is your windows partition.... mine
is in hda1 so it's mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /win98
the last part correspond to a directory where is going to be mounted the
partition, so when you access that directory the partition is visible... make
sure that the directory exists before mounting the partition.
hope this helps.

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