On Tue, 06 Jul 1999, hevnsnt wrote:
> a couple questions here..
> Does everyone d/l the updated RPM's and then install them or use the
> update icon on the desktop?  (the one where you pick a server, then the
> updates, it d/l's them and installs them for you)  Is there any advantage
> to either? Disadvantages?

I guess using that updates program might be easiest for a newbie, but I keep
forgetting about it and I ended up just downloading all of the updates to their
own subdirectory under my home directory and then installing them with 'rpm
-Uvh --nodeps *' (had to use --nodeps for the updated printtool package--and I
would recommend using -ivh instead of -Uvh for the kernel packages for someone
who is paranoid that the kernel update may not boot for them).  I think I like
that better, since I wanted to have all of the updates (for possible future
use) in their own directory on my HD, and I don't know if the update program
puts the rpm files on your HD since I haven't tried it.

> Second question, **HEY DEVELOPERS** Why not release updated ISO's like RH
> does?  Would make my life easier!! =) > 
> -Bill

Yeah, unless a lot of people are having problems with some of the updated
packages, it would make a lot of sense to replace the ISO's with updated ISO's.
 Well, after they're fairly sure they're done updating, anyway--it wouldn't
make much sense for someone to have to make a new ISO and reupload it every
couple days if they are still frequently making new updates. :)

Aside from requiring about 1.2GB of free HD space to work with, though, making
your own updated ISO should not be too difficult.


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