yep, warez and porn sites have often been pioneers in javascript coding.
However, the use of Java is rare in such sites - am I getting my point
across?  :-)  Please dont' refer to Javascript as "java", it's just not the
same thing.  Very confusing for people when you say that something needs
java enabled in your browser, because Netscape INVENTED Javascript and it's
built into their browser, and you can turn it off and on in the prefs.  Sun
systems INVENTED Java, and there is a java runtime engine built into
netscape but it's tragically slow, and I don't recall if it's able to be
turned off in prefs or not.  But turning off Javascript will likely leave
Java turned on, and vice versa.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ripcrd6 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, July 12, 1999 8:33 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Java Exploit Part II

>Hey James, I think some of the porn sites use this already.  ;-)   I was
>trying to check out the warez scene when I discovered that it was mostly
>just a bunch of porn traders.   Every link I checked that was supposed to
>lead to programs or cheat codes led to Porn, porn and more porn.   I think
>I had like 20 IE windows open when I finally had to close my dialup
>connection.   Who knew that naked women could break a computer.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: James J. Capone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>I found another one.. This one will allow for many many new windows to be
>>and keep spawning off more windows, ect...........
>>This one uses a series of commands which can be linked to a
>>that has a series of commands also.
>>This is located at
>>James J. Capone

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