Ummm, is your disk now partitioned with windows on it?

If it is, you would need to follow one of the following methods

1)  Get Partition Magic, install it on windows, and make the windows partition

2)  Double-click "My Computer"  Right-Click "C: Drive" and select "Properties"
Click "Tools" on the top tab of that window and then run Check Disk and after
that, Defragment.

Take your Linux Distribution disk, open it, click on the folder "Dosutils" and
Drag it to your C drive.

Reboot in DOS mode

Now DOS will give you the command line


waiting for your input


cd \dosutils

and when


appears, then type


and size the drive to your specifications according to the instructions

Now that your windows is the right size, forget the rest of the drive.  Put in
your Linux-Mandrake disk and restart.  When it says "Hit DEL to Run SETUP" at the
bottom of the screen, hit the "Delete" key.  If it never says that, you likely
have a COMPAQ which will boot from the CD anyway.

Once Setup comes up, choose the second line on the left and hit "Enter"

One of the first 10 lines on the left of the screen will say "Boot Sequence"  Put
your cursor there and keep pressing "+" on your numeric keypad till it says

Hit the "ESC" Key and fo to the line that says "SAVE AND EXIT"  Press "Enter"

The rest should be rather automatic.  When you get to choice of installation,
choose "Workstation" and let Linux figure the allocation of the rest of the disk
for you.  As you use it, you will discover more about tuning.  The most important
thing is to get a working copy where learning may take place.



> I am using a 2.43Gig Harddrive. I want to use 900MB for windows and the rest
> for Linux.
> What dir would i make the Swap And the Linux partion and how big. Thanks alot!

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