It's perhabs also a good to add /usr/local/bin to your PATH variable in
/etc/profile because a lot of tar ball's install by default their bin's in
/usr/local/bin. Another alternative is to do a ./configure --prefix=/usr, in
that case the bin's go in /usr/bin, everything gets prefixed with /usr
instead of /usr/local. You can try a ./configure --help | more to see all te


>RPM will ONLY install *.RPM files. If you have a "tar.gz" or "tgz" file,
>you'll need to untar and unzip it. The way *I* do it (which is a
>is "tar -xzvf <filename.tgz>" This unzips it and places what's unzipped and
>unpacked into a sub-directory under the current directory.
>>From there, you'll either need to compile the software or run the install
>script (there should be a, README or something similar in there to
>tell  you which.)
>If you don't know how to compile a program, there SHOULD be some
>instructions in there. *GENERALLY* speaking you run ./configure, then make,
>make install and then make clean (to clean up the "binaries" that are left
>by the make and not cleaned up by "make install.")
>        John
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Don Whitman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Saturday, July 17, 1999 12:19 AM
>Subject: [newbie] Man ?
>> How do you move around in the mans? I was in one and I could not figure
>> how to exit without exiting the Konsole. Also where do you send downloads
>> Corell WP? Do you download to /home/xxx and then copy it to /user/local?
>> do you install? Will RPM install downloads or do you have to do that from
>> shell?
>> Thanks
>> Don
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