Lloyd Osten wrote:

> >
> >   one quick question for you, While trying to configure a few things I've
> > managed to lock up the  terminal  I'm using,x most often it seems, now how do
> > you go about killing something from a different login/term?
> >   I've read  (skimmed) through the man kill,and the ps(? running processes,
> > still not all in memory yet) pages,and  it wasn't all that clear,plus I'm
> > primarily trying to get the system running right first,then learning the
> > nuances afterwards,my philosophy being that if I know how to get it up and
> > running right,it won't be so terrible if I screw it up.
> well, logi in on another console as root. Enter "ps ax"  (no quotes)
> at the prompt, which should give a list of the running processes.
> Each one is identified by a PID number (Process IDentification).
> So type kill PID, substuting the actual pid number for PID.
> There are at least two stages of kill, with kill -9 PID being the
> most severe.Use it with caution, though; I've heard it can possibly
> corrupt your filesystem.
  I've been lucky for the last few days and haven't managed to lock
anything up,but thanks!


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