You should have three RPMS in total. One is the X server, one is some RUSH
libraries (?!), the last is an updated setup program that know of the V3000.

Install all the RPMS (in no particular order) using 'rpm -Uvh nnnnnnn.rpm'
(replace the n's with the rpm names - or if they are the only rpms in the
dir do 'rpm -Uvh *rpm').

Then run the setup program - i think it was 'XF86Setup' (case sensitive).
You may as well say no to using your existing file as defaults, it won't be
any good anyway.

The rest is self explanatory, but i can carry on if you need...


----- Original Message -----
From: bfernand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 19, 1999 9:08 PM
Subject: [newbie] Voodoo 3000

> I just installed Linux on a separate partition on my Windows 98 PC. All
> well xcept for the video card. Mine is a 3dfx Voodoo 3000 AGP. It came
> drivers for Windows. I have located drivers for Linux on the web, but I am
> not clear as to how to install them. They are in "RPM" format and if
> can provide pointers as to how to install them I'll be forever grateful.
> TIA,
> Ben

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