jeesh.. no need to write a mini-HOWTO, you just did!  =)

Hey thanks for the info, now I just have to find a way to keep this email
around till my service starts.  =0

Re: Kansas, oh yeah, well our microwave towers work better here. =)

On Tue, 20 Jul 1999, Matt Stegman wrote:

> Kansas?  Where's that?  Oh, that flat piece of land in the middle of
> nowhere... :)
> I should start by saying that I got my Road Runner through Multimedia.  If
> you're getting it through TCI (or someone else) you may have to use
> rrlogin; I didn't.  If you're getting it through Multimedia, you shouldn't
> have to.
> First, verify that the service works in Windows.  If you already have the
> Road Runner software installed and all your hardware works, great.  If
> not, try this (WITHOUT installing RR software):
>       Under "Control Panel/Network," set the properties for "TCP/IP
> Protocol."  Choose "Obtain an IP Address automatically."  The DNS and
> Gateway tabs should be devoid of information- although "hostname" can be
> whatever you like.  On the WINS tab, WINS _should_ be disabled, but
> someone I know had to choose "DHCP for WINS resolution" before it would
> work.  This is probably the safer choice; if WINS is unavailable, using
> DHCP for it won't break a thing.  Leave the rest of the tabs alone.  Click
> "OK", exit Network settings, and reboot.  Once you're up, try to ping...
> oh, say  If you can, you don't have to use rrlogin!  If
> not, you should use rrlogin.
> If you already use the Windows RR software to login, you might try to
> disable it (assuming that it starts up with Windows), reboot, and see if
> you can connect.
> In the end, there wasn't much that I did to get hooked up with the cable
> modem.  In 'netconf' you can turn on DHCP, set the hostname to whatever
> you desire, delete gateway/DNS info, and exit.  If it works on exit,
> congratulations!  If not...
> What I did to get it working at this point was download dhcpcd from
> and
>       tar -zxf dhcpcd-1.3.17-pl2.tar.gz
>       cd dhcpcd-1.3.17-pl2/
>       su -c "make; make install"
> After that, pump worked for me.  Go figure.  The only thing I can think of
> is that this installed an updated library or some other file that pump
> also calls on.
> If you need to use the rrlogin program, it is available here:
> Compile it using 
>       gcc -o rrlogin rrlogin.c
> Then, you might wish to copy the "rrlogin" executable to /sbin or
> /usr/local/sbin or wherever you please.  Test it.  Does it work?  I sure
> hope so, because if it doesn't, I have no idea how to help.  I didn't
> write this program, and have never used it (like I said, I don't need to
> with Multimedia).  To start the login program on boot, there's two things
> you need to do: make a password file, and add the command to
> /etc/rc.d/rc.local.  A good location for the password file is /root/, and
> be sure to change the mode to 600 (so only user "root" can read and write
> it).  Call it, say, /root/rr.password and it should contain two lines:
>       username
>       password
> Now add the following line to rc.local:
>       /sbin/rrlogin < /root/rr.password
> Please, let me know if this works.  Maybe then I actually WILL write up a
> mini-HOWTO.
> References:
>      -Matt Stegman

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