> Is it possible to edit the MandrakeUpdate.pm script file so that it will
> update the system using the rpms from the 'cooker' directory instead 
> of the 'updates' directory?

well, yes, though not very easily...

but i'm in a nice day :) here is patch for /usr/X11R6/bin/MandrakeUpdate.pm :

--- /usr/X11R6/bin/MandrakeUpdate.pm    Wed May 19 02:50:52 1999
+++ /tmp/MandrakeUpdate.pm      Thu Jul 22 15:32:14 1999
@@ -30,13 +30,11 @@
        open F, "find . -name '*.rpm' |";
        @to_update = map { chop; $_ } <F>;
     } else {
-       open F, "wget --passive-ftp $mirror/updates/$version/ls-lR -O - |";
+       my $sub = "cooker/Mandrake/RPMS";
+       open F, "wget --passive-ftp $mirror/$sub/ -O - |";
        foreach (<F>) {
-           if (/^([^ ]+):$/) {
-               $rep = "updates/$version/$1";
-           } elsif (/^-/) {
-               $rep =~ /SRPMS/ and next;
-               $name = (split ' ', $_)[8] and push @to_update, "$rep/$name";
+           if (m|>([^<]*)</a>|) {
+               push @to_update, "$sub/$1";

you also have to manually edit your ~/.mandrake-update to point to a cooker
directory (eg mirror: ftp://ftp.ciril.fr/pub/linux/mandrake-devel)

> Also, is there any way I can get the script file to clean-up and delete the
> files from the '/tmp' directory after the update is completed.

well, yes, though not very easily...

you must modify the MandrakeUpdate.c and recompile it. You just have to add an

But maybe you can wait until i release a new version :)

removing the files from tmp we'll be one of the new ``feature''.

> Thanks in advance..

Hope it helps, cu Pixel.

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