That option had come to mind, however, I did something (only the Gods 
know) and it works now.  :)  I'm even using it for e-mail, as I like 
the integrated system.  Maybe when Koffice comes out I'll switch to 

My only real gripe with SO right now is that I don't like the way it 
handles mail folders.  It saves the mail as a separate file so that if 
I turn my rules on to put everything into it's own folders (convenient 
with mail lists) then I can't just read the mail in a preview pane.  I 
have to open it in an individual window.  Too much effort when I check 
my mail twice a day (minimum) and get 30+ e-mails at once.

Need to find the signature settings too . . .


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 7/22/99, 8:23:53 AM, Axalon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
regarding Re: [newbie] My turn with printing problems:

> Do you own a hammer?

> On Wed, 21 Jul 1999, Ty C. Mixon wrote:

> > Ok, but it's with Star Office 5.1.  I can print a test page from the 
> > setup screens, but no documents print.  Any ideas?
> >
> >
> > --
> > Ty C. Mixon
> > ICQ #: 26147713
> >

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