On 24-Jul-99 Joe Brault wrote:
> This is probably boring all of you to death, but here goes...  I got the disk
> mounted, butnow I can't execute the executable file I downloaded (pkunzip for
> linux) How do I do this??  THanks!

An .exe file?  Are you SURE it's for Linux?  .exe files are generally Windows
executables, which will not run in Linux.  Technically you COULD rename a Linux
binary file with an .exe extension... but I've never seen a program distributed
for Linux with that extension.

Anyway, make sure the file is set to be executable (type 'chmod +x <filename>'
if it isn't), and from the directory it's in type './<entire-filename>' (without
the quotes of course) to try running it.  If that doesn't work, that file is
probably meant for DOS/Windows.

And you shouldn't need pkunzip in Linux anyway.  If you've installed Mandrake,
you already have a program called unzip which deals with pkzipped files.  And
most files you download for Linux are in tar.gz format, which you use tar and
gzip for.


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