On Sun, 25 Jul 1999, Dominique Deleris wrote:

> Hello guys....
> OK, it seems that the solution is to put a "syntax on" in my .vimrc file.
> But when I do that, I get the following message:
> Error detected while processing /home/dod/.vimrc:
> line    5:
> Sorry, this command is not implemented: syntax on
> Press RETURN or enter command to continue
> I've removed the vi packages that come with Mandrake 6.0, and reinstalled
> the ones I got from OpenLinux 2.2 : it works !
> Is there a problem with the VIM packages from Mandrake ? What am I missing
> ???

rpm -e vim-minimal
rpm -ihv vim-enhanced*
> Thanks to all of you for your help....
> Dominique

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