Try editing the "LMHOSTS" file in your C:\WINDOWS directory and place an entry
in it for your Samba Server:   Samba_Server_Name

Then re-boot.  That might do the trick.

Petey wrote:

> After spending the last four days trying to get SAMBA running with shares
> for win 95 clients, I am appealing to the greater net community.  Here's my
> situation.  I've tried multiple times to try and get SAMBA running, and I
> can't get anything to pop up in the win 95 network neighborhood.  All tests
> I've done using smbclient have all come out fine, indicating I should be
> able to mount a share.  I had it running under Mandrake 6.0 before, but I
> got a new hard drive and reinstalled and now nothing works.  I've made all
> of the correct entries in the /etc/hosts, /etc/lmhosts, and /etc/smb.conf
> files for a basic share, but still to no avail.  I've tried on multiple win
> 95 clients with different IP addresses and still nothing.  I use both SWAT
> and a text editor to edit the files and testparm to check and make sure
> they are valid.  Does anyone have any idea of what I can do to get a basic
> server up and running.  I basically want to share a network drive with win
> 95 clients.  Is there a possibility that a mistake in one of my basic IP
> config files would affect SAMBA in such a manner while leaving the rest of
> the main internet connectivity (ftp, http, etc.) usable?  Any and all help
> is appreciated.
> Jason Peterson

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