-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>It appears there is a majority opinion of those responding that we should
>start here, and perhaps move to another maillist in time. Someone
>suggested that a web page would be more appropriate, and I consider that a
>viable future option for archiving and eventually reaching a wider group.
>I will preface my posts with the phrase UNIX INTRO. This will allow
>uninterested users to skip these messages.
>I believe in teaching some background as well as basic UNIX concepts. I
>promise that we will soon get to the command line...

<Big snip>
This is exactly what we need.  From the start, useful stuff.  I often
wonder why something works so I can tie the concept to the command and
hopefully remember it next time.   Memories are more easily retrieved if
there are multiple connections in the brain, that is why multimedia is so
exciting and important.   At my Local LUG the gurus give long commands to
the designated typist on a PC hooked to a projector so we can all see the
display.   After a long command we all ohhh and ahhh about the output and I
ask why.   It all starts to make sense when you know that 'ls' means list,
'cat' means concatenate, etc.  Of course most people don't know what
concatenate means but it is a word that can be looked up in a regular

Preach on brother.  I'll be in class with my feet up and a maniacal grin

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