> > So I was right.  I was expecting pdksh, though (the Public Domain Korn
> > SHell).
> It appears that the maillist switched the order of my two posts.

Yes, the demonic mailer daemon strikes again...

> Yes, Korn
> Shell. In my experience pdksh is not a good substitute for ksh (although
> my experience was years ago; not sure of the current status).

I think I'll stick to BASH.
> > And what of the C Shell?
> I have used the C Shell, and it provides a nice interface. However, csh is
> worse than worthless for creating scripts:

The name looked so promising!  My first impression (based on the name
alone) led me to assume that I could write scripts like:

if (x)
(i.e. using C syntax, which I think is just lovely)

After actually reading about it, I was left with the question, "Why the
HELL is this called the C Shell anyway?  Is it just a clever way of
saying seashell?"

> <quote>
> Unix Support frequently advises people not to use /bin/csh. Here is the
> classic document by Tom Christiansen on why you shouldn't use it for
> scripts.
> Csh Programming Considered Harmful

<shudder> I think I'll stick to BASH.

> >                       ...I read about one version called "tcsh" in a
> > Linux book.
> I've heard it is improved. I'd do some research before I started using it,
> however. The above URL is a good place to start, it mentions tcsh.

I don't think I read what "t" stands for... "The" perhaps?
> > #!/bin/sh
> In the UNIX world, there are basically two types of shell scripts-- those
> based upon the Bourne Shell (including Korn Shell and BASH), and those
> based upon the C Shell. The common shell language for writing portable
> scripts is the Bourne Shell. Advanced features of other shells are to be
> avoided unless the script is never expected to leave the target system.

Once again, I'll do BASH.  If I want more features, I'll move up to
another language (AWK, PERL, C, C++, Tcl, ...).  Or I could write a
little utility program in one of these other languages and call it from
a shell script.  In my DOS batch programming, I would fill in all the
holes with plenty of cool .com programs that usually just called an
interrupt or two.

> There may be other considerations for Linux. It seems that BASH has become
> pretty much a standard.

I can see why.

Hey.  I have a BASH question.  On my computer running Red Hat 5.0, BASH
doesn't take kindly to the DEL key.  Whenever I press it, it beeps at me
and emits a ~ into the command line.  DEL works in emacs... why not
BASH?  I'd also like to be able to map HOME and END to what emacs's
Ctrl+A and Ctrl+E (well, the go-to-end-of-line shortcut).  Any tips?
> The #! convention is an interesting story. Too long for posting here; I
> refer you to:
>       16 bits, right?)  When the `#!' magic number was recognized, the
>       kernel would read in the rest of the line and treat it as a
>       command to run upon the contents of the file.  With this hack you

I wonder what #! assembles to... I hope it's nothing meaningful!

P.S. Is anyone else here aware of the BAND Korn?  Very cool stuff... not
UNIX-related (All day I dream about sex... all day I dream about
@#$!ing...) though.

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