On 04-Aug-99 iam newbie wrote:
> To shorten the story I had to load the source RPM for lilo and found the
> above error message will always display for the vga= prompt if
> NORMAL_VGA is not defined.  NORMAL_VGA is not defined anywhere in the
> LILO source.  It is defined in /usr/src/linux/include/asm/boot.h  I
> added #include <asm/boot.h> to bsect.h and lilo.c  This new lilo fixed
> the problem. I noticed there's a new lilo in LM 6.0 updates and I wonder
> if it was also compiled  without vga= support.

Yes, the updated LILO package fixes the VGA presetting problem.
> 2. This one is minor. Midnight Commander uses lynx to view html.
> Everytime lynx is executed ither by mc or directly on the command line I
> get an error that metamail cannot open/find tmp files.  I uninstalled
> metamail and lynx.  I then installed lynx from RH 6.0 and it works
> fine.  Could this just be a configuration problem in either LM's
> metamail or lynx.

Lynx is looking for a directory called tmp under your home directory, just make
one (mkdir ~/tmp) and it'll run fine.


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