On Fri, 6 Aug 1999, Stephan Schutter wrote:

> hi guys...
> I am cuting my teeth on this one... I am an MCP and I can't do this. LINUX
> wants more market share, and the market is Microshaft, so why is it not evident
> to me, then, how to integrate LINUX in to my network here at All Systems Go? I
> will not even mention printers...
> Any way here is my smb.conf file: 
> the result of this config is that the Linux machine appears in the network but
> no matter what I do, I can not connect to any of the resources on the linux
> machine. 
> ___________________  Smb.conf  ______________________________
> [global]
>     workgroup = asg
>     server string = Samba Server
>     encrypt passwords = yes

Let me guess, the problem machines are M$.
have a look at /usr/doc/samba(tab key)/doc

>     password level = 0
>     null passwords = yes
>     os level = 0
>     preferred master = no
>     domain master = no
>     wins support = no
>     dead time = 0
>     debug level = 0
>     load printers = yes
>     netbios name = brain
>     netbios aliases = brain
>     remote announce =
>     wins server =
>     default service = /home
> [homes]
>     comment = Home Directories
>     browseable = yes
>     writable = yes
>     public = yes
>     writable = yes
>     printable = yes
>     user = smbusers
>     only user = no
> # A publicly accessible directory, but read only, except for people in
> # the "staff" group
> [public]
>     comment = Public Stuff
>     path = /home/samba
>     public = yes
>     writable = yes
>     printable = no
>     browseable = yes
>     guest only = no
>     only user = no
> [/home]
>     comment = home directories
>     browseable = yes
>     copy = /home
>     public = yes
>     guest only = no
>     writable = yes
>     only user = no
>  --
> Regards:
> Stephan Schutter      

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