thanks for your input. you've just demonstrated your awesome powers as a
linux guru by belittling myself for not knowing how to remove a simple ansi
screen. don't you feel better now? perhaps it doesn't matter to you because
you already know how to do it but i for one do not and would appreciate any
help regarding the matter. if it's a setting that can be changed within
linux then this NEWBIE list would probably be the place to ask don't you
think? if you really don't feel like helping then go ahead and delete the
email. i didn't force you to answer the question. and by the way, if you're
so brilliant and able to disregard this as a problem then maybe you don't
belong in the NEWBIE list at all.

At 12:09 AM 8/11/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Give me an F---ing break!!! This list is for people with real linux
>problems, not real people with decorating problems.
>Dave Waddling
>----- Original Message -----
>Sent: August 10, 1999 11:17 PM
>Subject: [newbie] that penguin at the login prompt
>> just wondering, how do i get rid of that ansi penguin at the login prompt?
>> it really doesn't appeal to me.

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