We may have just missed the message in the mass of postings, or the list
server may have hicupped.

Anyway, I'll give it a shot.

Unless something went wrong during the install, you should be able to
mount the CD-ROM (once you've got a disk in it) by typing:
'mount /mnt/cdrom'

Before it will let you eject it, you'll have to UNMOUNT it by typing:
'umount /mnt/cdrom'  (Note: it's 'umount', not 'unmount'.  That gets
most people at first.)

If my answer had nothing to do with your question, repost it, and I'll
see what I can do.

        - Theo

Michael Lim Shek Sia wrote:
> Yesterday I broadcasted a question on CD-rom mounting.  There is no answer so
> far, I wonder that I am
> in the wrong mail group or is it just too simple for anybody to be bothered
> with ??  Appreciate anyone with
> any response.
> regards
> michael lim

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