Andy Goth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Saturday I meticulously installed Mandrake 6.0 (from the Cheap*Bytes
CD).  I examined each package and decided whether or not I needed it.  I
went back and forth through the list in order to come up with an
installation that had everything I needed but nothing I didn't want.  It
took three hours.  Then, I ran it.  Perfect!  It was just sooo
awesome--I had it just right.

Guess what... my brother wrecked it.  I was playing Iagno and AisleRiot
in some restaurant (while waiting for our car to be fixed), and I
stopped since I knew that battery power was low.  I shut down
successfully.  Then my brother wanted to play, so I gave him the spare
battery.  I told him that he could play for a while but would have to
shut down soon since the battery wouldn't last long.  I then went over
to work on the car.  When I came back, I found that he had played xkobo
until it died on him.

At home, I tried starting Linux.  It came across some nasty-looking
filesystem errors and locked up.  I couldn't boot it!  I tried
everything I could, but all that was left was a reinstallation.  Three
more hours... argh.

My question: What can I do to repair filesystem errors so bad that
booting is impossible?
Are you sure your system was locked up on reboot.  When Linux is rudely
shutdown, the next boot requires a forced "check".  This could take quite some
time depending on your sytem.

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