Did you make a custom boot disk during the installation?  If so, boot
from it, and once you're logged in as 'root', type 'lilo' at the
prompt.  That should get lilo back into the mbr.  If not, try using
rawwrite (it's on the install CD) to make a rescue disk with rescue.img
(in the images directory), and you should be able to do the same thing. 
I've never used the rescue disk, so there may be additional steps that I
dont' know about.

        - Theo

"Michael P. Wheat" wrote:
> Yes, I did re-install Win98 ---  use it for games ;-)
> I am using Mandrake 6.0 on a Celeron 300....
> I guess when you install Win98 is automatically overwrites the MBR (sure
> would be nice if it would at least ask permission).  I would like to get
> LILO back so I can get back to my Linux install.
> Here is my configuration:
> I have two drives:  The first is a 1.6 gig (house win 98), and second 6.4
> gig drive which is partitioned into two drives.  Linux is installed on the
> first 2 gigs on the second drive.
> I really don't want to have to re-install to get back to Unix... I do that
> enough with Windows ;-)
> Thanks for your help!!!!!
> Talon

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