I know I had a similar problem after a bad unmount problem.  The Mandrake
login screen disappeared and was replaced with the standard KDE login screen
and no Shutdown button.  I stumbled upon the solution by accident.

If you log in as root and start up the KDE configuration program (sorry I
can't remember the name - I am at work on Windows - it is the program you
use to change backgrounds etc and has a button on the panel).  In there you
will find the LOGIN manager.  Under teh login amanager you will find a whole
heap of things you can configure.  You will find a section on Shutdown
permissions (I think I used Shutdown for all) that put the Shutdown button
back on the login screen.

There is also a section on sessions.  Add a session called kde (otherwise
kde sort of disappears).  You can also add WindowMaker.  I did this creating
two possible sessions KDE and WindowMaker, however after a while (proabably
a restart)  all the options miraculously returned (IceWM etc).  I'm not
quite sure why that happened.

There is also an option that gives an icon for various users.  This was not
part of the default configuration for Mandrake, though it is for Caldera.
It does speed up login (not that typing your username is particularly slow).
There are a few other things you can configure as well (startup screen
wallpaper etc).

Sorry I can't be more descriptive, as I said I'm at work and don't have a
linux box in front of me.

Hope this helps.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Murray Strome [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, 18 August 1999 2:55
> To:   LINUX Newbie
> Subject:      [newbie] KDE Messed up
> Can anyone help me with this one? 
> I am not sure what exactly caused it, but during a session, the system
> locked up and nothing 
> could get it going except to restart it.  After this, the initial box in
> KDE is messed up.  Until this 
> happened, that box gave me a pull down menu with several start-up
> possibilities (such as 
> KDE, Gnome, Windowmaker and many others), and there was a button which
> allowed one to 
> shutdown or restart the computer.  It has been replaced with a similar box
> with a large "24" at 
> the top, a pull down menu with only KDE and Failsafe options and no button
> for 
> shutdown/restart. 
> How can I recover the original box? During reboot, the only things which
> fail are the sound 
> card item (which I still have not been able to resolve -- Acer FX-3D
> (1816)) and I get a 
> message 
> mountd: couldn't start /var/lib/nfs/xtab 
> Also, during shutdown, I got a message saying it could not unmount NFS
> system.  I don't 
> know if these are related or not. 
> Murray Strome 
> -- 
> ------------------------
> Murray and Diane Strome
> 1275 Burnside Road West
> Canada
> Phone: (250) 479-6448
> Fax:   (250) 727-3427

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