I have noticed that when using the root account KDE seems to crash with an
alarming regularity.  I have noticed this when copying files and
directories, right clicking on items in the /dev directory and a few other
things.  What happens is the icons on screen go black and all kfm windows
stop working.  The panel works in a strange way.  You can launch programmes
from the K button - so long as it doesn't involve opening a kfm directory
(eg using Disk NAvigator).  OPening terminals works fine.   No programs can
be launched directly off the panel, though you are still able to change

Logging out and relogging in as root yields a desktop without icons, and the
same problems involving launching programs.  The only way to solve the
problem, that I have found, is to reboot.  When logging back in as root
there is a 0k sized core dump, which I delete.  

This has only ever occurred when running in root.  Does anyone else ever
have this problem or have any idea what the cause is?

I have tried using the kfm(super-user) to perform root operations from user
accounts, however after entering the password the programme crashes without
giving any kind of error message.  Has anyone had this problem?



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