hevnsnt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
My girlfriend has been b*tching at me to put windows back on my machine
because she cant figure out how to connect to the internet (no matter how
many times I show her) I am wondering if there is a way to make an icon in
KDE to:

1) Start the Kppp Dialer
If you go to the K menu -> panel -> add you can add the icon for kppp dialer
to the panel.  One click and it lauches. click connect and "voila".

2) telnet to another specified machine


Make Kppp start whenever outside traffic is requested.


I cant even figure out how to make an Icon to open a terminal window and
pass the command "telnet other.machine.com"  

Can anyone help me?

P.S. I am not willing to get another girlfriend, I like the one I got.  =)


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