I'm not actually sure.  I would assume that one of the processes
involved is violating the hard limits set for various resources on one
of the machines.  Some questions to ask yourself.

Are you telnetting to the other machines as root or as an account you
have set up for yourself on these machines?  Are the machines you are
trying to telnet to idling (i.e. no one logged on) or are you already
logged in at the machine you're telnetting from and the machine you're
telnetting to?

Have you run the command 'ulimit -Sa' to see the soft limits in force on
these machines?

Have you run the command 'ulimit -Ha' to see the hard limits in force on
these machines?

Read the man page for ulimit if you can.  I tried to do that on mine but
for some reason my machine doesn't want to open a man page that is in
bz2 format.

The limits that are controlled with this command are:

time - maximum number of CPU seconds a process can consume
file - maximum file size that your process can create in 512-byte blocks
data - maximum amount of memory for data space that your process can
stack - maximum stack your process can consume
coredump - maximum size of a core file that your process will write
nofiles - number of open files you can have
vmemory - total amount of virtual memory your process can consume

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Toshiro Viera
Sent: Sunday, August 22, 1999 1:54 PM
Subject: [newbie] ulimit


I've setup a small network at home (3 computers running mandrake 6.0),
every time I telnet to another machine I get this message:

bash: ulimit: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted

Anybody know what this means? Also, how can I get rid of that message?
This message never appears when I logon locally.


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