I have had this occur.  What I did was this -

1)  run fsck - this program checks the filesystem.  Run without any
paramenters it checks the filesystem and reports to you when it has found a
problem.  It also suggests how this problem can be fixed, giving you a
yes/no question (yes - fix, no - don't fix).

To run fsck you will need to specify what device you need it to check.  If
your / partition is on hda1 then run fsck /dev/hda1, hdb1 run fsck

2) when fsck has finished log out of root and the computer will reboot.  It
should then hopefully come up okay.  If for any reason X doesn't work you
may need to rerun Xconfigurator.

3) It might be an idea when you reboot to reboot into console mode.  Type
linux 3 at the LILO prompt and try startx from there.  They way you can
check that X is working without it running on start up.

If this doesn't work I can't help you any further, hopefully if there are
any further problems, or if my idea isn't the right one, someone else can
help you out.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeanette Russo [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, 26 August 1999 9:50
> Subject:      [newbie] An error occured in file system check
>  I was using dosemu and had a crash.  When I rebooted I got this message,
> An error occured in file system check dropping you to shell.  The system
> will now reboot when you leave the shell.  Give root password for maint.
> Then I give the root password and I try to start x and get this x11
> transport cannot connect error=2 giving up. xinit no such file or
> directory.
> Unable to connect to x server.
> Can this be fixed?  If so can some one give me some good instructions I
> never had to try to fix Linux before?
> Thanks
> Jeanette

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