Michael Scottaline wrote:

> Todd Linnertz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Subject: updates icon
> Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 16:20:04 -0500
> From: Todd Linnertz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> When I click the updates button on the KDE desktop I get an error: Could not
> execute program MandrakeUpdate.  What is this suppose to do and how do I get
> it to work?
> Thanks,
> Todd Linnertz
> =============================================
> were you connected to the internet at the time?

That just gives you a list of ftp sites around the world, then when you select the the 
you want it connects you there, and you can download the files for update. Now check 
to see
if you updates is linked to fule updates.kdelnk it should be in your directory
/Desktop/updates.kdelnk. when your kde directory is made.

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