Good evening,
 I have just about completed a mirror of cooker and was not thinking when
I mirrored the distro to a third 8.4 GB IDE drive this mirror should be
complete in a short time. I had intentions of doing a HD Install to
upgrade my exsisting Linux-Mandrake-6.0 to 6.1 version. I know that this
can be done from a dos partition, however this particular machine has only
Linux-Mandrake installed. I would appreciate any advise as to how I would
best proceed to do this upgrade, and if in fact a HD Install would work
from /dev/hdc1 or if it would be best to simply make use of RPM and do the
upgrade using rpm -Uvh *. I also noticed the latest MandrakeUpdate agent
has reference to version 6.1, possibly this would be the best way to
proceed. All suggestions would be very much appreciated.

Distribution:                  Red Hat Linux
Operating System:              Linux
Distribution Version:          Linux Mandrake release 6.0 (Venus)

Operating System Version:      #1 Mon Jul 19 21:36:50 CEST 1999
Operating System Release:      2.2.10-34mdk
Processor Type:                i586
Host Name:           
User Name:                     n3meq
X Display Name:                :0
System Status:                 9:35am  up 5 days,  3:10,  2 users,  load average: 
0.78, 0.36, 0.13
 The above is some information for my current system, This system
uses a AMD-K6 3D processor @ 400 MHz with a single 128M pc-100 SDRAM
Motherboard is a DFI P5BV3 +. Monitor is a Ultra 17 Princeton Graphics,
CD-ROM is ATAPI 32X XM-6202B Toshiba, Sound Card is a SoundBlaster 16,
Modem is a ZOOM 56K DualMode external, NIC is a 3C503 and there are 3
machines on my Local Network currently. Video Card is a VIDEO-61-3D
MediaMatics with 4MB Memory On Board.Total HD storage consist of (2) 2.1
GB Sanyo drives and a 8.4 GB Quantum all IDE with FTP Server and HTTP
server running solely from the Quantum Drive.

Partition info:
FileSystem              Size   Used  Avail   Used%   Mounted on
/dev/hda1               19M    4.0M  14M     22%     /boot
/dev/hda3               1.9G   286M  1.5G    16%     /
/dev/hdb1               1.9G   1.1G  732M    61%     /usr
/dev/hdc1               7.6G   1.6G  5.6G    22%     /home
/dev/hdd                587M   587M  0       100%    /mnt/cdrom

 I have additionaly created a /home2 directory under / that houses my
users home directorys and currently have 17 users on this system. This
system does have a 24/7 Internet connection and also provides access via
3 radio ports for Amateur Radio operators. FQDN for this system is [] in Delaware,USA. I am the IP Co-ordinator
for the 44.66/16 Delaware Amateur Radio Domain, all of this has been
accomplished using, in my opinion, The Best Linux Distro Iv'e seen.
                        Linux-Mandrake !
 I have been using various Linux Distro's since early 1990. I hope this
info will be usefull and give some insight as to what may actually be
accomplished using a good Stable OS on a rather modest machine. I would be
more than happy to assist anyone who may have a similar design in mind and
would be happy to answer any question's that anyone may have reguarding my
system configuration or it's use with Amateur Radio.
 This message has been postponed in order to ensure the latest update to
make the mandrake-devel mirror current as of 28 August 19:12:14 EDT. 

        Best Wishe's,

      David M. Kufta  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      REAL PORTION of Microsoft Windows code:
                while (memory_available)        {
                        eat_major_portion_of_memory (no_real_reason);
                        if (feel_like_it)
                                make_user_THINK (this_is_an_OS);
The girl who remembers her first kiss now has a daughter who can't even
remember her first husband.

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