<< How do I do that?  Would I have to go into the console?  How to do that 
 KDE?  Maybe some keystrokes would put me in the console and I could run
 XF86setup from console?

Ok here goes :) First when you turn on your computer boot straight into the 
promt (with the ascii image of tux), or, if you boot into the GUI and then 
type your password ect. just go into a promt from there. it maybe just 
something that says, close X and return to consol or something like that. 
(not sure i use Caldera) So anyways, once you are at a promt (i think you 
have to be in root to do this) type in :
XF86Setup. make very sure that you do the caps right. if you dodnt you will 
get an error, and have to type it over, and i hate doing that. XF86Setup will 
load and quickly come to a nice GUI for you to work in. hope thats a bit more 
in detail for you. just post agean if it dowesnt work :)


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