Michael Scottaline wrote:
> "Alan N." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >LYNX?
> >
> > But i think in time you will see a decent non-bloated browser (maybe)
> on
> >linux..
> >> i certainly hope so.
> >>
> >> Fish.
> >
> >
> You should check out opera.
> I ran it on BeOS for a while.. Was OK..
> ( until it expired.
> Alan
> ======================
> I don't believe Opera for linux is quite ready yet.  Perhaps by Christmas.
> But it will cost $35US, maybe more by now.  I think as an educator, I get a
> discount  ;o)
> Mike

Check Slashdot (http://slashdot.org) for information on the progress of
porting Opera to Linux, pricing, etc.  There's a pretty good discussion
of the whole thing going on too.

All in all, it's been quite awhile since they first talked about
Opera/Linux.  I've never used Opera but I've heard good things about
it.  Is it worth it?  Do we really want to pay $35 for something we
already get for free?  Do we want closed source when there's a big pile
of Netscape code sitting there for the taking?  I just don't know...

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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