> Is it worth it?  Do we really want to pay $35 for something we
> already get for free?  Do we want closed source when there's a big pile
> of Netscape code sitting there for the taking?  I just don't know...

Actually, I think it is worth it.  And from my understanding, after reading
the posts on opera's site, they are still discussing releasing the source to
the public. Besides, many Mandrake users had no problems using kde before
troll tech made qt free.

As for netscape, I would be tickled to death to use their browser, but that
code has been sitting around for quite some time, and there is still no sign
of ( that I have seen ) a 5.0 release.

I do agree that releasing the port as closed source would be a poor choice,
but until someone releases a better alternative, then I'll shell out the

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