Here's what I know (I haven't tested this, but I think it will work okay):
        1: Boot into Linux.
        2: Edit /etc/lilo.conf such that the line "boot=" is set to
           "boot=/dev/hda1" (change hda1 to your linux partition).
        3: Run /sbin/lilo.
        4: Run the command 
dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/root/BOOTSECT.LIN
           Where you substitute your linux partition for hda1.
        5: Put BOOTSECT.LIN somewhere where NT can see it- on a FAT16
           partition or a floppy disk.
        6: Boot to NT.
        7: Copy the BOOTSECT.LIN file to C:\.
        8: Edit C:\BOOT.INI (you'll have to `attrib -r -s -h c:\boot.ini` 
        9: Add a section like so:
C:\BOOTSECT.LIN="Linux Mandrake 6.0"
        10: Save & Exit.  Run `attrib +s +r +h c:\boot.ini`

You should be done.  If things don't work out, you can "rescue" your NT
install using the rescue disk set (run rdisk if you haven't got one).

-Matt Stegman

On Fri, 3 Sep 1999, peterwt wrote:

> i install both winnt4 and mandrake 6.0 on my computer.
> i want to use nt'boot loader to boot mandrake.
> how to do that? now i use a floppy disk to boot mandrake.
> i have tried to do so as how-tos , unfortunately it does not work.
> thanks in advance.

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