Dan Voeks wrote:

> Hi,
> I installed Linux-Mandrake 6.0.  I have two hard drives.  hda has one
> partition - a dos/win95 partition.  hdb has 3 partitions:  hdb1 = /boot,
> hdb2 = swap, hdb3 = /
> When using linux, I boot from a floppy (the floppy I created during the
> mandrake install).
> Here's my problem:  I was running into the "busy partition" message at
> shutdown time, which is documented on the Linux-Mandrake updates page.  The
> fix is listed as follows:
>                           Solution: upgrade to
> initscripts-4.16-30mdk.i586.rpm and to
>                           kernel-2.2.9-27mdk.i586.rpm. An updated
> initscripts package is also
>                           available:
>                                rpm -Uvh initscripts-4.16-30mdk.i586.rpm
>                                rpm -ivh kernel-2.2.9-27mdk.i586.rpm
>                           Note: if you run in level 5, don't forget to set
> it again in /etc/inittab [just
>                           replace id:3:initdefault: by id:5:initdefault:]
> after initscripts upgrading!
> So, I downloaded the 2 rpms from the ftp site (actually I downloaded
> initscripts-4.16-31mdk.i586.rpm, but that shouldn't make any difference,
> I'm assuming, since it was the only initscripts rpm there).  I entered in
> the two rpm command lines exactly as above.  I modified my /etc/lilo.conf
> file to reflect the new kernel name.  I modified /etc/inittab as suggested
> above.
> I then rebooted.  But, to my shock and horror, when I rebooted, the kernel
> was still listed as version 2.2.9-19mdk.  It hadn't upgraded!
> Then I thought that I probably had only changed the copy of the kernel on
> my hard drive, and since I boot off a floppy that I should just copy the
> new kernel to the floppy and change the lilo.conf file on the floppy.
> I did that and rebooted...but the kernel STILL hadn't changed.
> What am I doing wrong?  How can I upgrade my kernel, and make a bootdisk to
> boot the kernel properly?
> Thanks in advance!
> Dan
> ``````````````````````````````````````
> Dan Voeks
> DoIT Help Desk
> ``````````````````````````````````````

Run /sbin/lilo from a terminal.

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