On Fri, 03 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> I recently had a melt down. I messed around with the monitor settings. When I
> rebooted everything was messed up. So I re-installed. Now I can only connect
> to the web as root. When I am a normal user I get an error message when I
> start kppp. It says /etc/resolv.conf is missing and to create a non-empty file
> with appropriate read and write permissions. So if there is anyone out there
> that could lend me a hand I would certainly appreciate it.Don

Log in as root, the go to the /etc dir on your system.  Right click the
resolve.conf file, and go to properties.  Then go to the permissions tab and
click the groups and others buttons.  This will make the file available to
other users, not just root.

Best Regards,
Paul Hendrick

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