just download the skins and copy them to yourhomedirectory/.xmms/Skins  
El dom, 05 sep 1999, escribiste:
> John Aldrich wrote:
> > On Sat, 04 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> > Yeah...you're right. x11amp IS included....weird... :-) I can't
> > believe they included x11amp instead of xmms. :-) OH, well...now I"ve
> > got both installed. :-) BTW, if you go to www.x11amp.org, you'll see
> > a note there stating that there HAS, indeed, been a name change to
> > xmms. Also the version included in Mandrake is kinda old...
> > 0.9_alpha3. 0.9-final is out and they're continuing development as
> > xmms. :-)
> > Anyway, it's not really worth arguing over....but if you like it, you
> > might want to consider going and getting the latest version from
> > xmms.org. :-)
> >         John
> Well, there's a little problem with the X11amp included in Mdk6.0,
> the playlist editor just doesnt work! So i downloaded xmms which works
> just fine... Just one question...
> How do you change the skins? I downloaded a couple of ones from xmms.org
> but i dont know where to unpack them, and how to tell xmms that i have
> these skins.
> As always, your comments are very appreciated.
> -- 
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