Michael Adams wrote:

>I tried to visit this site.
>The result upset me so much i sent them this.
(Justifiable complaint snipped)

>I am still miffed but i feel better for doing something.
I've fired off a few e-mails along similar lines myself in the last week 
or so.  I've got conciliatory though ultimately unhelpful replies - 
generally along the lines of the use of Windows Media Player being due 
to circumstances beyond their control. (This was particularly galling 
with the live coverage from Glastonbury - I had really wanted to see the 
White Stripes). One of the more knowledgeable respondents suggested I 
get the CrossOver plugin.

I think we should all complain every time we are shut out of a site or 
other resource due to exercising our right to choose non-MS software. 
Eventually they might conclude that it's easier to provide platform 
independent content than to keep having to answer (if answers they can 
be called) the complaints.

Graham Watkins

For me, morning begins when I realize that the soft warm body curled up next 
to me is a cat. (Kinky Friedman - Frequent Flyer)

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