frazer wrote:

> As you might guess im new to linux.How many times have you heard that
> My problem is with Mandrake 8.2 .Im trying to install onto a pentium 
> 3. 450Mhz. 12 Gb Hard drive 128Mb ram.The drive was partitioned with 
> Partition Magic.Windows 98 being on the drive also.The PM wizard 
> guided me through the process,moving my windows files to a new 
> partition  5Gb in size.Which works fine and also creating about a 4 or 
> bit more Gb partition for linux which i believe needs two separate 
> partitions
> I also installed boot magic if that matters?.After booting from the 
> first CD (theres three as it was a download off the net) and starting 
> ok with the welcome to linux press f1 or f3 i think it is, to install 
> it goes ok for a while until the message :Error loading program into 
> memory could not uncompress second stage ramdisk.This is probably "an" 
> hardware error while reading the data this maybe caused by a hardware 
> failure or a linux kernal bug in then says press ok but nothing 
> happens.Iv have tried the four or five commands that are recommended 
> in the help file "text" "Expert and so on but all cause the same 
> problem.If its a hardware problem wouldn't it be 
> causing windows problems?  Should i try creating the partitions again 
> or would you recommend formatting the whole hard disk and starting 
> fresh. i dont really want that.Thats about it i think.
> If you cant help Thankyou anyway.
>     Frazer       
Well, you have a media-vs-drive error on the CD drive.  It could be 
media (the CD) or it could be the drive or it could be the speed at 
which you are running the drive.  It has little or nothing to do with 
your partitioning.  It may have been a download or burning problem as 
well but also it may be that you are using a CDRW which generally makes 
lousy boot CDs, CD-R being a much better media for iso files.

Did you do a google search for md5sum and get the windows equivalent to 
check the disk against the md5sum provided on the web?  If your iso 
files check with the md5sum, then we can eliminate the possibility of a 
transmission error and move on to either media or CD drive.  My personal 
luck has not been good with downloads and CDs.  GEnerally I download an 
iso and burn at three different speeds and try all three and generally I 
have ONE of those three that will read reliably on another drive. 
 Sometimes CDs I burn on a CDRW won't read cleanly on the CDRW drive 
itself.  I have four burners and about a dozen test drives PD, CD, and 
DVD, and I get maybe 10% of my burns to read on all of them, and at 
least 40% of my burns will not read cleanly (data error somewhere) on at 
least half of my drives.

By the way, best approach with PM is to make only the windows partition 
and leave the rest of the drive unpartitioned, and ditch BootMagic 
altogether, because Diskdrake can make partitions for you and LILO and 
GRUB can boot just about any system there is and the mandrake tools for 
configuring them gives you an easy GUI.  If you use BootMagic, you can 
expect to spend a lot of time fixing what BootMagic does, and the number 
of folk here who know enough about it here to help will be much smaller 
than the number who can advise you about LILO or GRUB.


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