On Thu, 09 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> I would like to automatically open MS Office documents with Star Office
> and WordPerfect documents with WP.  In Preferences/Applications, I can
> select and edit the relevant section.  If I put in the pointer to the
> Application, it opens OK, but the file is not opened.  I think I need
> something else (%h or %p appear in some of the items already filled in
> by Netscape).  It has been too long since I used UNIX to remember how to
> tell the application to open the file.
Ok...I got tired of having to save a PDF to a local file,
then open it with xpdf. Here's what I did, and this should
be applicable to your situation:
I told Netscape to open "portable document files" with the
application "/usr/bin/xpdf %s". I would think that you
would be able to do the same with *.doc and *.wpd files.

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