Charles P. Conrad wrote:

> I presently am dual booting Win98SE and Win2K on a 9 or 10GB HDD.  I 
> also have a 40GB drive with apps and data, partitioned into 9 1/2 GB 
> chunks.
> I like Win2K, but it will be my last M$ OS (XP turns me off and 
> Palladium scares me) and would like to replace 98SE, which is on the 
> C: portion of the small HDD and is 2.92GB, with Mandrake 8.2, which a 
> friend with DSL burned the 3 ISOs to CD for me.
> As most of E: is devoted to 98 apps and data, that would eventually 
> become available for Mandrake use also.
> Everything is FAT32.
> The default boot is 98SE on start-up, unless I use the arrow key to 
> select 2000.
> I have 1.03GB free space on the C: drive.
> It's an old home made box with dual Pentium Pro 200s on an Intel 
> PR440FX mobo and 192MB RAM.
> Based on what I've seen on this list in just a few days, I don't even 
> qualify as a "newbie."  Can anyone direct me to where I can get the 
> info I need to accomplish my goal of replacing 98 with Mandrake or 
> utilizing the free GB I have on the C: drive to add 8.2?
> TIA.
> Chuck Conrad
> Fort Lauderdale, FL
You have ample harddrive space, adequate ram though not ample,the 
processor is ok,although things will be slow, but  no reason why it 
should not work.I'm not familiar with your mobo.

Chuck , unless you really need it dump w98, make W2k your first 
partition, and this is what  your MBR will be associated with, but put 
W2k on a NTFS file system, not fat32 which is really old hat. You will 
notice the better stability right away.

After that comes your linux partitions, there are a number of choices.
If this is your first Linux OS install and you definately do not want to 
add any other linux OS's in the near future, then your harddrive should 
look something like this ,

W2k(on NTFS) partition ,  Mandrake base / partition,  /Swap partition

If on the otherhand you do plan additional Linux OS's then,

W2k(on NTFS) partition ,/boot partition ,   Mandrake base / partition, 
 /Swap partition

All linux partitions in ext2. file system.

After these you can add any further partitions for backup purposes.

The boot loader is called LILO (Linux Loader) and will be installed in 
your MBR, in chain loader fashion, which means lilo will boot the linux 
OS's and then pass the job over to Windblows boot loader to boot windblows.

The size of the partitions is your choice, I have 4.5 gigs for w2k which 
is ample.
Linux /boot needs perhaps 100mb
Mandrake base /  perhaps 4.5gigs
/swap     perhaps  250mb (1 1/2 to 2 x ram)

Good luck.


John Richard Smith

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