Sean Goh wrote:

> Dear all,
>     I'm having trouble installing Linux-Mandrake 8.2.  Hope you can help.
> I chose the recommended method of install and chose "Use existing 
> partition", after that it tells me to choose mount points. Here is 
> what the screen says
> *hda1 (2.2GB,Linux native)__________
> hda6 (1.5GB,Linux native)__________*
> I left both blank coz i don't know what is mount points and clicked OK.
> It then says:
> *An error occured
> Oops, no root partition.
> *I said "fine", i'll just add something,*
> **hda1 (2.2GB,Linux native)test
> hda6 (1.5GB,Linux native)test2
> *After clicking Ok, i get the same error message.
> I've been trying to install 8.2 for the past 3 days already and it's 
> getting me so frustrated and with some of you saying it's easier than 
> installing windows. it really makes me wonder....
> Regards,
> Sean
> P.S. Using 200MHZ desktop .
Does sound as though you are having fun and games  Sean.

Seems as though there are some basic terms your not familiar with.
Mount points are essential to any linux system, in the above example the 
installer is asking you to choose which partitions to create and  
install the Linux OS on , and to mount them.  The absolute minimum is a 
base root partition recognised by the symbol,   /  , and a swap 
partition , recognised by the symbol,  /swap, and the swap partition is 
your linux equivelant of Virtual memory that  in windblows exists  as a 
file (which can expand within predefined limits) whereas in linux it's a 
defined as a partition. Obviously you don't yet understand the need to 
create these partitions and define them as per the installer is 
requesting you do.

It is hard to advise someone when they don't give you their hardrive 
details, such as harddrive size, number and size of  existing partitions 
etc etc , but since you got as far as the disc drake partition tool you 
are well on the way to a Linux OS.

Diskdrake gives you an easy visual display of your harddrive(s) . Use 
it's graphical tools to make and define the partitions you want.

Hope the above helps.


John Richard Smith

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