--Well, it sorta worked. I swapped the drives, which was no problem for my Win
partitions, but the new CD still would not work. When I hooked up my old CD as
the sec. slave, I was able to boot to the installer, but disk druid would not
let me partition /dev/hdc. What I did was to create the root partition in
Linux- fdisk, I was then able to finish partitioning in Druid. The install went
smooth as butter from that point. After linux was installed, I switched over to
the new CD and shes-a-work beautiful. Go figure, huh! Any way thanks too you
all who posted what seems to have been the same general suggestion. That helped
me get back in the saddle.

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**The pesimist sees the glass as
  half empty.
  The optimist sees it as half full,
  but to the engineer
  it's just too big.**

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