Dear Femme; All is well! Do not dispair! You must have missed the part -
during the last page or two of the install regarding how to administer your
Enhance your calm! Open a browser on a different machine, and point it to
the IP address which you gave to SNF for your internal network card . For
If your two network cards are configured properly by SNF, you will have two
distinct addresses - 1 per card. They should be configured as eth0, and
Since eth0 is usually configured as your public interface, your firewall
will not allow you to connect to it by default, although you can modify this
once you're in the GUI. That leaves eth1. If the IP Address of eth1 is, then you will point your browser to .
Notice the colon right between the IP address and the port number.

8443 is the default port for SNF, and usually works quite nicely. It is
important to note that you must modify the IP address that you enter into
your browser to match the IP address that you assigned to eth1 when you were
installing. As a default, SNF also allows you to login directly on the
machine with an ANSI GUI
(Yuch! Ptewey!) to modify your settings, but it's quite a tedious way to get
the job done.

One more thing,...I would like to suggest that you re-install. But this
time, when the install gives you a choice to install (Press Enter) or F1
(for other install options), select F1. At the prompt which follows, type
the word "expert" and then press enter. You will get the same install GUI
you're used to, but your options will be dramatically different! You will
have the option to choose many of the packages which you do or don't want,
which is something you don't get normally.
If you do a conventional install (probably what you did) , the result will
be a bunch of services running on SNF which you probably don't want like
SMTP, and Telnet!

Remember, use a different PC which is already a part of your network to
connect to SNF. Be advised that it's not a very secure idea to run X on SNF,
and that's why it's not installed by default. As a matter of fact, I'm not
even sure that they include any desktop managers in it. Your GUI will be
browser-based from other PC's, and will provide you a customized version of
Webmin with Wizards to perform most functions, and an SSH terminal as well.
Just make sure that you've got Java enabled on your browser.

Hope this helps! If not, I suggest Valium! Grin! Grin!


----- Original Message -----
From: "FemmeFatale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2002 4:59 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie]Single Network Firewall, Xwindow Configuration Problem

> Not sure where to ask this (Don't think there's an SNF Mail list and if
> there is, its hidden in some cave somewhere run by a Yogi who subsists
> on rice & fish with my luck).
> Anyway... To the point of this email... or blunt end...whichever you
> prefer.
> I've successfully setup the SNF Distro that Mandrake (Kindly? Cruelly?)
> has made available to D/L.  (As an aside, get Rid of that link for the
> HTML Installation guide!  Its NOT THERE!  Talk about a tease!
> sheesh...).  Ahem, as i was saying, I d/led it & got it installed.
> Teensy problem:  I get the error:  X-window settings error, X-window
> respawning too fast.  Disabling X for 5 mins.  (ARGH!?)
> OK so...Off to the web I go! (Sung to the tune of The Wizard of Oz)...
> Found the error:  My stupid video card isn't properly enabled somehow
> (read:  It needs help & counselling...but i'm too stupid to provide hand
> holding).  So, what to do?  Well on a Normal Linux distro from MDK I
> just do a "XFDrake -expert" command on the CLI.  Now, being a good
> little Penguin-in-training, I went to invoke this heartfelt command.
> ERROR: Command not found!
> BLARGH!?  WTF?  ....
> OK fine, theres gotta be another way... No Xsetup, Diskdrake, setup,
> X-anything!?
> ACK!?  Couldn't find help files either!... hm... so... I'm stranded...?
> So... what to do?  I d/led the PDF File (Useless futile gesture as that
> was)...hoping it would have something in it.  Nada.
> So... I turn to you dear Warriors of Linux!  Help a fellow Amazonian to
> overcome this heartbreaking & Difficult period of Non-Guiness!
> If the points not been made clear enough, I want a GUI!  Damnit!  Call
> me a wimp, but I need it to set this shit up & the command line ain't
> helping me.  :)
> Ty much
> --
> Femme
> Good Decisions You boss Made:
> "We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
> character from Peanuts."
> - Source: Dilbert


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