On Sat, 11 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> Hi guys, 
> my big question is hardware. I posted a question this morning about my second
> floppy,  but it doesn't appear to have made it through. Anyway, how do I get my
> second floppy drive, my paraport zip+ 100 or my scanner to work in Mandrake 6
> (or any Linux, for that matter). I'm willing to get the answers one at a time
> if it will be easier on y'all. BTW, I _have_ tried to find this info in the
> manuals and on the net.
Floppy SHOULD be easy enough. Just copy your /dev/fd0 line in
/etc/fstab to another line and change it to /dev/fd1.

Paralell Port Zip+ will take some more work. Basically there's a
module for it (sorry, don't know the name) that you have to install
and put into fstab as well.

I don't know if paralell port scanners are supported yet. I've heard
of a util/driver called SANE, but I don't know much about it.

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