I have a network that has a samba serving as the pdc, manages my windows logins, roaming profiles and all.
I have recently finished configuring nfs/nis over mandrake 8.1 as the server and SuSE linux 7.2 on the client side. all my exports are working fine and nothing could be better, except that i cant change the passwords over nis.
whenever i try to using "yppasswd" i get the reply as

Changing NIS account information for mKwatampora on tech.mak.ac.ug.
Please enter old password:

the password information isnt changed. when i change the password in linuxconf, i can login only when using a windows machine, but cant login with the new password on any linux machine. the troublesome bit comes in because on the linux machines, i can login with the old password that i have just changed over linuxconf.

I have tried to merge the smbpasswd and passwd files but some daemons dont take of when i do this. i have tried creating a new password list to work from but still no hope. Is there anything i am missing? are there any bugs with these two distributions because im thinking of kicking on of the two out.

I have the latest version of ypserv, ypbind and yptools and nfs-utils. i really dont know why it doesnt work. help anybody.
Thanks Mike
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