In short:
        1: Make a directory C:\Linux
        2: Copy the "Mandrake" directory from the CD to C:\Linux   
           You should now have a C:\Linux\Mandrake\RPMS directory.  If
           you have a C:\Linux\RPMS directory instead, make a directory
           called "Mandrake" in C:\Linux & move the other three
           directories into it.
        3: Now, copy rawrite.exe from the CD (in \dosutils) to
        4: Copy boot.img from the \images directory on the CD to C:\
        5: Open up a DOS Window, and change to C:\.  Run "rawrite".  The
           image file name is boot.img, and the target diskette is A:. 
           Just use any old disk, as long as it doesn't have any bad
        6: Boot from the disk, and you're in business!  When you're
           prompted for the partition & directory containinf install
           files, enter "/dev/hda1" for the device and "/Linux" for the
-Matt Stegman

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