On Tue, 2002-09-17 at 17:21, iggy wrote:
> hi, all!
> does anyboby know if 9.0 rc 2 will be updatable (is that a real word?) to 9.0 
> final version or i'll have to download 9.0 when it becomes available?

Here's the (complex) answer which, I believe, is correct :)

If you subscribe to cooker (as per emails passim here) and keep updating
your machine regularly up until the release date (possibly this
Thursday) you'll have the same packages as 9.0 minus, possibly, some
artwork or other similarly inconsequential features. No official flag
will pop up saying 'you now have 9.0', though.

Then, if you keep going with those cooker updates, the machine will
continue to be updated with 'unstable' packages which lie between 9.0
and, presumably, an eventual 9.1 beta 1. Several of the Mandrakesoft
employees have said that they'll be doing things 'post 9.0' which need
to be done but were not urgent enough to go in 9.0. I'll be looking for
Gnome 2.0.2, for example, which has been released just too late to go
into 9.0.

I'm not sure whether to go this route, or reformat the machine
_completely_, download the ISOs and write the CDs, then install 9.0 from
scratch and only do 'stable' Mandrake updates as they come along, not
'unstable' cooker updates.

After all, rather a lot of wrong turns must've accumulated on my hard
disk given that this machine has had 8.2 plus 4 betas and 2 Release
Candidates installed for 9.0; probably better to go back to a clean

On the other hand, _contributing_ to the distribution, in a modest way
by turning up all sorts of user interface problems and seeing them
solved on the spot (try that with Microsoft or Apple), has nurtured a
fine feeling in my breast :)


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