For those who have asked.

Nice to see extra time taken to get things _right_. It looked as though
RC2 was going to be the last one before the spotted handkerchief was
dropped, but a number of kernel problems turned up.

I have no burning desire to find more showstoppers; I'm completely
flaked out after four betas and soon-to-be-three Release Clients ;)


-----Forwarded Message-----

> From: Warly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Cooker] rc3
> Date: 18 Sep 2002 22:30:33 +0200
> Soon on mirrors:
> 729313280       MandrakeLinux-9.0rc3-CD1.i586.iso
> 734199808       MandrakeLinux-9.0rc3-CD2.i586.iso
> 417058816       MandrakeLinux-9.0rc3-CD3.i586.iso
> This must be nearly the 9.0 final.
> 9.0 should be finalized by the end of the week.
> 2 or 3 days for marketting to finish the official announce, and it
> should be released next week.
> Find critical bugs if you are enjoying this testing period and
> want more.
> -- 
> Warly

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