Andy Goth wrote:
> Examine:
> [root@localhost packages]# rpm -i ssh2-2.0.13-1i.i386.rpm
> error: package ssh2-2.0.13-1i is already installed
> [root@localhost packages]# rpm -e ssh2-2.0.13-1i.i386.rpm
> error: package ssh2-2.0.13-1i.i386.rpm is not installed
> Whaa???

When you remove packages, you can only use their "base" name.  In this
case, ssh2.  So, the command would be 'rpm -e ssh2'.
> And earlier, this...
> [root@localhost packages]# rpm -i ssh*
> Generating 1024 bit host key. This may take a while, go and have a coffee ;)
> Generating 1024-bit dsa key pair
>    3 o.oOo.ooOo.o
> Key generated.
> 1024-bit dsa hostkey
> Key is stored with NULL passphrase.
> Private key saved to /etc/ssh2/hostkey
> Public key saved to /etc/ssh2/
> executing: chkconfig --del sshd
> /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.5810: /etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd: No such file or directory
> error reading information on service sshd: No such file or directory
> Stopping sshd2: Starting sshd2: sshd2
> Was that success or a failure?  A little odd...

Check 'ps aux' to see if sshd2 is running.  It looks like it tried to
remove and shutdown the version 1 sshd, so all should be okay if you
didn't have it installed.  

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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